10 World's Biggest Producers of Ginger

10 Word’s Biggest Ginger-Producing Countries

10 Word’s Biggest Ginger-Producing Countries– Based on data from the FAO Statistical Database (FAO Stats) in 2021, there are 10 World’s Biggest Ginger-Producing Countries. They are the world’s leading producer of ginger with hundreds of thousands to millions of tons of ginger tubers harvested annually.

10 Word’s Biggest Ginger-Producing Countries- Biggest Country of Ginger Production

So far, ginger is a medicinal and spice plant in the form of pseudo-trunked clumps with various health benefits. Based on its history, Ginger comes from the Asia Pacific region around India to China. Therefore, China and India are said to be the first countries to use ginger as an ingredient in drinks, cooking spices, and traditional medicines.

In general, based on its taxonomy. Ginger belongs to the kingdom: Plantae; Division: Spermatophyta; Subdivisions: Angiosperms; Class: Monocotyledonae; Order: Zingiberales; Family: Zingiberaceae; Genus: Zingiber; Species: Zingiber officinale Rosc. Based on the above classification, ginger is included in Zingiberaceae and has a close relationship with other species such as Cucuma xanthorrizha, black turmeric (Curcuma aeruginosa), Curcuma domestica, Kaempferia galanga, galangal (Languas galanga) and others.

World’s Production, Harvested Areas, and Yield of Ginger From 1980 to 2021

YearsWorld’s Harvested AreasWorld’s ProductionYield
(Hectares)(Tonnes)(Tonnes / Hectare)
Source: FAOSTAT, 2023

Based on FAOSTAT, the world’s production of ginger from time to time has increased. in 1980, the world’s production of ginger reached 246 thousand tonnes with harvested areas around 69 thousand hectares. Meanwhile, in 2021, its production has increased into 4.8 million tonnes with harvested areas around 449 thousand tonnes. Furthermore, the yield of Ginger also increased from 3.5 tonnes/ hectares (ha) in 1980 and it has become into 10.8 tonnes/ hectare (ha).

10 Word’s Biggest Ginger-Producing Countries- Statisctic Based on Continent

In the year of 2019, the production of Ginger still dominated in Asia and Africa regions. Meanwhile, Americas and Oceania still produced in minor production. Based on the Continental region in 2021, the production of Ginger relatively unchanged. Asia still become the main production area with production around 3.9 million tonnes, followed by Africa with 888 thousand tonnes. Meanwhile, America still produces with minor production around 92 thousand tonnes and Oceania with 13 thousand tonnes.

The World’s Production of Ginger in 2021 Based on Continent

ContinentProduction of Ginger in 2021
Source :FAOSTAT, 2023

Globally, based on statistical figures, worldwide ginger production in 2021 reached 4.8 million tons with a planted area of 449 thousand hectares. Based on the production area at the continental level, the Asian continent is still the center of ginger plantations with production in 2019 reaching 3.2 million tons, followed by the African continent with production reaching 811 thousand tons, America with a production of 37 thousand tons, and Oceania reaching 9 thousand tons.

If you look at the country level, of course, there are 10 countries that have the biggest ginger production in the world. Based on data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2021. Here are the 10 world’s biggest ginger-producing countries in the world in 2021.

The Rank of Top 10 Ginger-Producing Countries in the World in 2021

RanksCountryProduction of Ginger in 2021
3China, mainland638,597
9Sri Lanka56,842
Source : FAOSTAT, 2023

Description of the World’s Top 10 Ginger-Producing Countries in 2021

10 Word’s Biggest Ginger-Producing Countries- Brief Description of Biggest Country

1. India

India still became the world’s biggest producer of ginger. Based on data from the FAO Statistical Database, ginger production in 2021 reached 2.2 million tons. In Mahatma Gandhi’s home country, ginger is cultivated in all over the states of India. However, there are several states that are the main centers of ginger cultivation, namely the states of Karnataka, Orissa, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, and Gujarat. These states cumulatively contribute up to 65 percent of India’s total ginger production. Genetically, there are several prominent native and introduced ginger cultivars in India. The cultivars/types of ginger include Maran, Kuruppampadi, Ernad, Wayanad, Himachal, Nadia, and Rio De-Janeiro cultivar. These cultivars are very popular among ginger farmers in India.

2. Nigeria

Nigeria is the second biggest ginger-producing country in the world. In 2021, Nigeria’s ginger production reached 768 thousand tons. In this country, there are several major states as centers of ginger production and cultivation. The states include Kaduna, Bauchi, Benue, Gombe, and Nasarawa.

3. China

China is the 3rd biggest producer of ginger in the world. Based on data from the FAO Statistical Database (FAOStas), ginger production in 2021 reached 638 thousand tons. In this panda country, the main growing area of ginger is in Shandong province which accounts for about 75% of China’s ginger production. In China, the area of ​​ginger plantations is around 30 thousand hectares.

4. Indonesia

Indonesia is the 4th biggest ginger-producing country in the world. Based on data from the FAO Statistical Database (FAOStats) in 2021, ginger production 2021 reached 307 thousand tons. In 2020, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency, there are several provinces that are central to ginger cultivation in Indonesia. The ginger plantation area is still concentrated on the island of Java, which includes East Java with a production of 45 thousand tons, West Java with a production of 34 thousand tons, and Central Java with a production of 31 thousand tons.

5. Nepal

Nepal is the 5th biggest ginger-producing country in the world. In 2021, Nepal’s ginger production reached 279,000 tons. In the country of Nepal, there are several areas of cultivation and production of Ginger. The area includes Ilam and Salyan Districts. In 2015, Nepal was listed as one of the world’s largest exporters of ginger with total exports reaching 24 thousand tons. Of the total value of its export trade, almost most of its production is destined for the Indian market.

6. Thailand

Thailand is the 6th biggest ginger-producing country in the world. In 2021, Thailand’s ginger production reached 169 thousand tons. Statistically, in Thailand, there are several central areas for growing ginger. The region includes the provinces of Petchabun, Loei, Chiang Rai, and Pha Yao.

7. Bangladesh

Bangladesh is the 7th biggest ginger-producing country in the world. In 2021, Bangladesh’s ginger production reached 81 thousand tons. In this country, ginger is a popular spice plant. Geographically, Nilphamari district and Khagrachari District are some of the main gingers growing areas in Bangladesh.

8. Cameroon

Cameroon is the 8th biggest ginger-producing country in the world. In 2021, Cameroon’s ginger production reached 67 thousand tons. In this country, the area planted with ginger is around 24 thousand hectares in 2019. With abundant ginger production, this country is also listed as a ginger exporter whose market is aimed at several countries such as Belgium, Congo DRC, France, Yemen, and the US.

9. Srilanka

Srilanka become 9th biggest country producer of ginger in 2021. Based on FAO Statistical Corporate Database (FAOSTAT), the production of ginger from Srilanka around 56 thousand tonnes. Geograhically, there are some main regions of Ginger. These areas include Kurunagala, Kandy, Gampaha, Colombo and Kegalle Districts.

10. Peru

Peru is the 10th biggest country producer of Ginger in 2021. Statistically, the production of Ginger in 2021 reached 47 thousand tonnes. in Peru, the Junín region, particularly in the provinces of Chanchamayo and Satipo still become the main cultivation areas of Ginger.

Bibliography of 10 Word’s Biggest Ginger-Producing Countries

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